Big Machine Music City Grand Prix Photo Guidelines

The following are general media photography guidelines for the Big Machine Music City Grand Prix race weekend. The intent is to promote safety for the photographers, event organizers and participants alike. These guidelines are not intended to prevent photographers from performing their duties – only to keep them safe. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in the revocation of your credential and expulsion from the event.

  1. Photographers must read and sign the event waiver for the Big Machine Music City Grand Prix. All photographers must understand that motorsports photography includes various hazards unlike traditional sports.
  2. All photographers will have a designated room in the media facilities area to work from throughout the race weekend.
  3. Attendance at a photo safety briefing is mandatory (to go over safety guidelines, expectations and local or series rules and conditions) before allowing photographers trackside.
  4. Photo vests or a series equivalent will be provided at the end of the trackside photo safety briefing to authorized trackside photographers. Vests MUST be worn by all photographers to shoot trackside. This allows easy identification of photographers by track officials and workers. Gate guards, course officials and course workers will check for photo vests and laminates before admitting photographers to the trackside areas. (Photo vests must be returned to the media staff or series staff by the end of the event.)
  5. Media credentials are non-transferable. Do not give or loan your credentials to anyone else. If this occurs, your credentials will be immediately revoked.
  6. Photographers will not interfere with the actions of course workers or safety personnel. If a track official or course worker instructs a photographer to move or stay away from any area, you are to do so without argument. If you need more clarity, please visit with a PR representative with the respective series. Before moving from one location to another in certain areas, always get permission from the course workers that it is safe to do so. If there are any instructions or directions given by any course marshal, they have the final word. Do not argue or distract them from their duties. Please notify Big Machine Music City Grand Prix Communications or the respective series communications staff during a photo safety meeting if there is an issue that may require intervention.
  7. Please be courteous to your fellow photographers, in particular when it comes to sharing or taking turns in high-traffic photo holes.
  8. When the track is “hot” (on-track activity) and the photographer is working trackside, they will maintain the ability to rapidly evade or evacuate from potentially dangerous situations. Never place equipment on or lean on barriers. Never sit or lay down while shooting trackside. Never turn your back to track while vehicles are on course.
  9. No photographer shall cross the track at any time without direct permission or escort from an official.
  10. Photographers are strongly encouraged to wear long pants, must have shoulders covered (no tank tops, muscle shirts) and must wear closed toe shows (no flip-flops or shoes of that type) while at the event.
  11. Please refrain from smoking while trackside, no exceptions.
  12. Photographers may not use tripods in the hot area of the track. Videographers may use tripods, but spotters are required for each person using a video camera. Spotters must follow the same rules as photographers.
  13. Drone video is prohibited during all on-track activity and any special drone use requires pre-approval prior to race week.

Nashville Superspeedway
4847-F McCrary Road
Lebanon, TN 37090






1 Vantage Way B105, Nashville, TN 37228